The key to successful mentoring outcomes
Interactive mentoring activities
Coupled with an effective mentoring software, your program’s curriculum design is paramount for successful mentoring relationships.
Curriculum design can range from really simple or ‘free form’ – where two essentially strangers are matched, connect and discuss what they see fit, and then report back at the end of their match. Sometimes, this is all a mentoring program needs.
Other times, either a loose curriculum or structured Mentoring Checklist and Tasks ensure that mentees follow an easy path to success.

What makes a great interactive curriculum?
Once a mentor and mentee are matched the next question is “what happens next?”. Usually mentoring programs have a PDF Guide for mentors and for mentees. Online mentoring enables digitizing the curriculum which opens a world of new ways to manage the program, organize notes, milestones, goals, automated reminders, surveys, badges, auto-certificates and more.
There are many possible interactive activities so we are conducting a survey to get your feedback on which features are most important for you.

Following are options for interactive curriculum activities that could be included in your mentoring program:
STEP 1: Matching Mentors & Mentees / Once registered online, how should matching be done?
- Self-Matching (selecting from top % best matches via algorithm)
- Self-Matching & Admin Approval (Hybrid model)
- Admin Selects Matches (with a detailed chart comparing best options)
- Auto-Match (system sets matches based on algorithm or artificial intelligence)
STEP 2: Breaking the Ice / Now matched, how to start the conversation?
- Fun games to get to know each other (trivia, listening exercises, etc.)
- Both fill charts mapping their interests and find overlaps
- Mentees share goals and top 3 topics they would like to discuss
STEP 3: First Meeting / How to ensure a great connection?
- Mentee preparation checklist with activities (who, when, where, why, what, how)
- During the meeting, have a checklist with auto-reminders (not to forget things)
- Tools to define the program goals and milestones together
- Complete mentoring agreement together by filling both sides, adjusting and approvals
STEP 4: On-Going Meetings & Activities / Relationships can fizzle out, how to get results?
- Collaborative goal adjustment process (with notes and updates / archives)
- Individual meeting notes but also ability to share some notes, links and files
- Self-assessment questionnaires throughout the program to identify progress and potential further directions
- Automated reminders with timely supporting content (sample questions, common issues)
- Structure for providing feedback (for example, “Stop this, Start that, Continue that”)
- Structure for responding to feedback in a constructive manner
- A timeline view of all activities and shared content from both sides
- Auto-monthly surveys (maybe “How’s it going? Select 1-10” to identify issues)
STEP 5: Program Completion / Measuring results
- Automated completion survey on the mentoring relationship and program
- Mentors and mentees review each other (star ratings per categories + possible note)
- Automated testimonial collection (with permissions to feature on the site)
- Auto-send completion certificates (branded PDFs)
- Auto-certificate for best-voted mentor/s (with admin approval to send)
- Auto-request for mentors to refer other potential mentors
- Admin can review and export all data, charts and graphics (also vs. past sessions)