Custom directories related to mentoring
MentorEase offers additional directory style viewing pages that are beneficial for some mentoring programs.
Mentors Directory
The Mentor Directory is a gallery of all the mentors on a program. Mentees can search or filter by different fields and we can also combine searching with a mentees’ mtaching algorithm to show best matches first. This is a useful tool for some programs.
Speakers' Bureau
Mentors are also able to add themselves to a Speakers’ Bureau which can be used to showcase mentors available for speaking engagements.

Other Related Directories
Some mentoring programs can use a directory that is related to the mentors or mentees but directly related to the mentoring programs.
For example, there are Healthcare Peer Support programs that matches people who are dealing with a certain illness with others who have recovered form it to help them through that process. This type of program could also use a Healthcare Provider Directory that helps the mentees find relevant providers for their specific situation.