Move random company connections online!
Help employees increase their reach and grow their network within your organization!
As more people work remotely, alongside current social distancing practices, there is a reduction of opportunities to build informal relationships within companies – meeting random colleagues in the hallway, cafeteria and so on. To bring the ability to meet random but relevant people online or in person, a virtual Watercooler Mentoring program can help! It’s great for organizations that have multiple offices regionally, nationally or globally.
The mentoring program randomly connects staff with others who have a high percentage ‘match score’ (have similar professional interests or hobbies and at different experience or skill levels).
Benefits include:
* Match people throughout the organization for informal mentoring
* Allows employees to learn about other business areas other than their own
* Provide an easy way to connect and build strong internal relationships
* Grow a stronger, healthier organizational culture
* Helps corporate information move along the ‘grapevine’
* Can help to clarify management messages
* Helps grow a mentoring culture
* Cost effective

Find out how Watercooler Mentoring can help your organization today!