Single Sign-On (SSO)
What is Single Sign-On?
Single sign-on, also known as ‘SSO’ enables users to login with their existing accounts. It’s an authentication method that enables mentors and mentees to securely authenticate with multiple applications and websites by using one set of credentials. To put it simply, single sign-on is to help users avoid password fatigue alongside increasing security.
What Does This Actually Mean?
When a mentor or a mentee signs up for a mentoring program, one way is just to sign up with an email address, often with a number of security questions (a bit like a bank asking you the name of your first pet for example). But it means they will have a username and password to remember to get into your mentoring program.
An easier, and more secure way is to enable something called Single Sign-On (SSO) which means that when they enter into your existing software applications, which for a corporation might be an HR software, or if you are an association, it could be a membership software, or if you are a University it would be the student login to the universities back end student hub.
It means that the mentor or mentee is already in MentorEase when they login to an application they already use, so they don’t need another combination of username and password to forget!
How Does MentorEase Connect with the Third Party Application?
As part of our setup process we work with whoever oversees your IT to connect via an API (another piece of jargon) to basically make MentorEase talk with that application. If you go to our Pricing Page >> and scroll to the bottom, you can see examples in different business areas of software we can connect with.
Linked in
One option for mentees and mentors (especially) is to sign up via Linked In. The benefit of LinkedIn over email registration is that if a mentor’s email changes (they move companies or organizations), you don’t lose touch, as their Linked In profile always remains the same.